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Fauré - Ici-bas


Fauré (1865)

Ici-bas tous les lilas meurent,
Tous les chants des oiseaux sont courts;
Je rêve aux étés qui demeurent

Ici-bas les lèvres effleurent
Sans rien laisser de leurs velours;
Je rêve aux baisers qui demeurent

Ici-bas tous les hommes pleurent
Leurs amitiés ou leurs amours;
Je rêve aux couples qui demeurent toujours

Sully Prudhomme

Down here


Down here all lilacs are dying,
all the songs of the birds are short;
I dream of the summers which last

Down here lips touch
without parting with any of their velvet;
I dream of the kisses which last

Down here all men weep for
their friendships or their loves;
I dream of the couples who last

© translated by Christopher Goldsack

This song is included in the Singing in French anthology and a score and accompaniment can be downloaded from the site shop in several keys.

Singing in French Anthology

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