There is nothing so liberating for a younger singer as the acquisition of a dependable technique. Songs that are physically demanding become easy, and doors are opened to greater expression and creative use of vocal colours
This little book does not set out to be an exhaustive analysis of all the possible ways of teaching young singers. In it Christopher Goldsack shares his thoughts on why he does what he does. It was written in response to a number of discussions he had had with several other very capable teachers who knew of his teaching and had come to him for advice.
Drawing on his experience as a singer, scientist, teacher and now singing teacher and choral director, he has developed what he feels is a simple and coherent structure to enable children and young adult singers to develop the strength and beauty of tone needed to be versatile and creative performers with no compromise to vocal health or longevity of career. The book is priced at £5.99 plus P&P.
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