Quand tu chantes, bercée
Le soir entre mes bras,
Entends-tu ma pensée
Qui te répond tout bas?
Ton doux chant me rappelle
Les plus beaux de mes jours..._
Chantez, ma belle,
Chantez toujours!
Quand tu ris, sur ta bouche
L'amour s'épanouit,
Et soudain le farouche
Soupçon s'évanouit.
Ah! le rire fidèle
Prouve un cur sans détours..._
Riez, ma belle,
Riez toujours!
Quand tu dors, calme et pure,
Dans l'ombre, sous mes yeux,
Ton haleine murmure
Des mots harmonieux.
Ton beau corps se révèle
Sans voile et sans atours..._
Dormez, ma belle,
Dormez toujours!
When you sleep, cradled
in the evening between my arms,
do you hear my thoughts
which answer you so quietly?
Your soft song reminds me of
the happiest of my days..._
Sing, my fairest,
sing for ever!
When you laugh, on your lips
love blossoms,
and suddenly the untamed
suspicion vanishes.
Ah! The faithful laugh
is evidence of a heart without deviation..._
Laugh, my fairest,
laugh for ever!
When you sleep, calm and pure
in the shade beneath my eyes
your breath whispers
harmonious words.
Your beautiful body is revealed
without veil and without attire..._
Sleep, my fairest,
Sleep for ever!
© translated by Christopher Goldsack
Please be aware that some of the original French texts on this site are still in copyright. The translations are offered here for study purposes.
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